Let’s Worship Together

Today the CDC gave some pleasant news that many will be excited to hear. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated “that people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 don’t need to wear face masks or social distance at gatherings of any size”.

For many Christians who haven’t been gathering for in-person worship services that means it time to go back church! As I was reading through my bible reading plan this morning I came a across a passage that stood out to me in Psalm 122.

“I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” Psalm 122:1 ESV

Gladness In Going To Corporate Worship

This verse points to the annual pilgrimage that that the Jews would make to Jerusalem while also highlighting the joy of corporate worship. David was one whose love and affection for God led him to great delight in worshiping God privately and publicly. When he was called to corporate worship, just the thought of it made him glad and he was eager to attend. Matthew Henry commented from this passage that:

“Those that rejoice in God will rejoice in calls and opportunities to wait upon him.”

We see in David the heart of a true worshipper. His thoughts, words, affections and actions were centered on God. His entire life was saturated with worship of God. We too are wired for lives of worship. Eugene Peterson pointed out that worship “overflows the Sunday-morning hour and permeates the days of the week”.

After a long season with many people being socially distanced over the last year and many are feeling an ache and longing from not gathering corporately in worship. I can’t help but notice how timely this little verse is right now. Yet for some it may be a challenge to have a “glad” response to the call to corporate worship in-person. Perhaps the fear of being around other people holds them back. Or for others perhaps spiritual atrophy and indifference has set in. The habit of not being present has been replaced by other habits. It’s time get out of the spiritual rut and get connected once again by being present in the corporate assembly, pouring out your hearts to the Lord in song and hearing the song of faith sung by other saints near you.

Let Us Go To The House Of The Lord

Matthew Henry also said

“It is the will of God that we should worship him in concert, that many should join together to wait upon him in public ordinances. We ought to worship God in our own houses, but that is not enough; we must go into the house of the Lord, to pay our homage to him there, and not forsake the assembling of ourselves together.”

Since Jesus came saints no longer need to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for worship (see John 4:21-24). We can worship God anywhere personally and we can worship God anywhere corporately. The people of God who make up the Church are now the Temple of God (Ephesians 2:19-22). We are the dwelling place of God. God dwells in each of us and He dwells among us as we gather together corporately.

“Christians who sing this recognize that in their gathered worship they are carrying out the task of the temple, and their Davidic king (Jesus) is present with them (1Peter 2:4-5;Eph.2:19-22). -C. John Collins

So let’s arrive early this Sunday and come with an eager expectation for God to show up. Let’s sing with gusto to God together, let’s listen to His word together, let’s testify of His work in our lives together and be present to encourage our brothers and sisters. Let’s go to the house of the Lord.

Another verse in this Psalm is particularly timely.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you!”Psalm 122:6 ESV

Currently there is an uproar of violence in Israel among the Palestinian militants and the Israelis military, which has been occurring for the past 4 days. Over 100 people have died in Gaza and 7 people others. There hasn’t been this level of violence since 2014 and there concern that this could become a full scale war.

Prayer for Jerusalem

Father, as Jerusalem is currently in turmoil with a violent uproar, we pray now for your peace to be within this special city. We pray that Jesus Messiah would be welcomed as the Prince of Peace and that you would graciously bring your kingdom of reign there, filling it with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). Let the Gospel of peace bring healing to the broken relationships between Palestinians & Jews. We pray for wisdom and guidance of the leaders to skillfully and effectively lead through this time well that many lives would be spared from death in war. .

Here are two melodies with different musical genres put to Psalm 122 that I think you enjoy.

Psalm 122 Desert Spring Church

Psalm 122 StreetLights