Jesus Came To Bring Change

As we begin this year many are seeking to make changes for the better in their lives. Multitudes desire a change of life whether it’s physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, vocational or relational change. And the start of a new year brings fresh motivation for that change. As Christians we recognize that lasting change for the better in our lives comes from the perfect Unchanging One, Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

Jesus went to Galilee preaching the Message of God: “Time’s up! God’s kingdom is here. Change your life and believe the Message.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭1:14-15‬ ‭MSG‬‬

In the Gospel of Mark we see Jesus in action bringing change into the lives of those whom he came in contact with. The change we need and the world needs implies that something is wrong with us and with the world. The message Jesus proclaimed was repent, which means to change your mind. A change of mind leads to a change of actions, attitudes and living. Coupled with that call to repent was the call to believe the gospel and this is where one experiences the power for change. Paul wrote that the gospel is “power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes “(Romans 1:16). Change is required and empowered by Jesus. When people truly encounter Jesus and believe in Him, He changes their lives. This happens at the beginning of our Christian life and the entire life of a Christ follower is a process of ongoing change that theologians call sanctification.

In Mark Chapter 1 we see Jesus changing the life of his first disciples calling them to become fishers of people (Mark 1:17-18). Then we see Him changing the life a demon possessed and controlled man (Mark 1:21-28). Then Jesus changed the life of a leper by healing him, which made it possible for him to be apart of the community again. He became “clean” after being “unclean” for many years and treated as an outcast. The change Jesus brings into our lives restores us to relationship with God and to others. Jesus healed many who had various diseases and he drove out demons that were oppressing people (Mark 1:34). Jesus brings the change into our lives that we could not accomplish on our own strength, discipline, smarts and skill. With Jesus change is possible because what He prescribes He empowers. Jesus offers you and I the change that we really need. He brought change to this broken, dark and hopeless world. He will return to finish His redemptive work and make all things new (Revelation 21:1-5)!

Two means of change we see Jesus using in Mark chapter 1 is prayer and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom (Mark 1:35-38). May we in 2021 embrace that change that Jesus wants to bring into our lives through prayerfulness and saturation and proclamation of the gospel! May we preach the gospel to ourselves and to others. May we pray for ourselves and others and see the Kingdom of God come on earth as it is in Heaven!